"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession."
I don't quite understand why some people oppose the idea of a separation of church and state. From what I have read by the founding fathers, as I have said before, the intent of the establishment clause in the First Amendment is to protect religious beliefs. As Thomas Jefferson clarified, this protection occurs through a wall of separation between church and state. Without this wall, the smaller fringe sects can fall victim to the whims of the beliefs of the majority. Sure, Fox News tries to paint the picture that Christianity is under attack, but every time I look closer I only see a minority protecting themselves from a majority.

Take another case. In the 90's, Evangelical Christians lobbied local governments to allow them to hand out tracts and fliers for various youth groups held at local churches to students at public high schools. Being the Bible Belt, there was little resistance and the motion passed. What the ministers did not count on, however, was that a local Wiccan group also wanted to hand out fliers at the high schools. Once it was realized that the Pagans were proselytizing to the youth, a new motion passed to remove the previous one, and now no one can hand out fliers.

Whenever I am confronted by someone who denies the separation of church and state, or who says "This is a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles," I wonder if they really understand the implications of what they are saying. First, the statement is factually wrong. The United States is the first nation to use a secular constitution. This does not mean 'without religion' or 'atheistic.' It simply means 'religiously neutral.' Going back to the previous examples, separation of church and state only means that all religious groups are held equally. If one church can use a public display or pass out tracts at a public high school, then ALL religious groups have that right. The fact that local governments have had to stop allowing tracts or displays is not the application of the First Amendment; it only reflects the need for such equality in the first place, as it became necessary in order to keep the peace. And in every instance, it is the majority that cries foul when the minority is given equal ground in the community.
In 1971 there was a court case between Lemon v. Kurtzman, during which the issue of the separation of church and state became very important. I won't bore you with the details of the trial, but out of this case we now have what is called "The Lemon Test" which is often used to determine whether a law follows the First Amendment or not, when religion is involved. It goes as follows:
- The government's action must have a secular legislative purpose;
- The government's action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion;
- The government's action must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion.

This is exactly what is happening with the "Gay Marriage" debate. I have written about this numerous times. As far as I can tell, the only arguments being presented against gay marriage are based solely upon religious convictions. Therefore, according to the Lemon Test, laws prohibiting gay marriage are unconstitutional.
Here is Bill O'Reilly on the "War on Christmas"
And here is Al Sharpton attacking the "War on Christianity"
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