--Pope Benedict XVI on condom use as a means of mitigating the spread of HIV in Africa (2009)

Religiously, Africa is split into two factions: Muslims and Catholics. The northern region, being Muslim, has strict penalties for adultery and premarital sex; namely, death. This is quite an effective deterrent. As a result, the entire population is forced into abstinence before marriage and fidelity during marriage (at least, for women). The southern region is mostly Catholic, and, although, they do not employ capital punishment for sexual promiscuity, they do also advocate abstinence and fidelity. Yet, the south is plagued with HIV, while the north is not.

Catholic opposition towards contraception stems from the same line of reasoning they use against abortion and masturbation. They hold that all life is precious, and that semen is, in a sense, the beginning of life. I apologize for the crude way I put this, but according to Catholics the only appropriate place for a man to ejaculate is inside his wife's vagina. Anything short of this is a sin. Furthermore, some have said that AIDS is god's punishment for transgressors, as if the threat of Hell wasn't despicable enough. They also say that children born with this disease carry upon their heads the sins of their fathers. Now, there's a just god.

Tell me, Pope Benedick, how is the prevention of "spilling semen" more ethical than doing everything you can to save the lives of millions of people?
Teaching Abstinence and Being faithful as the only methods of preventing the spread of HIV has failed; this technique seems to only work, perhaps ironically, upon threat of death. The only thing left to try is proper use of condoms. Until the Catholic Church stops spreading lies and changes their stance on condom use, HIV will continue to kill millions of people every year in Africa. As Christopher Hitchens said, during a debate with an African Catholic Cardinal: "...I think it will one day be admitted with shame that it might have been in error to say that AIDS is bad as a disease--very bad--but not quite as bad as condoms are bad. Or not as immoral in the same way."
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