--common sense

The reason I bring this up is not to refute the statement that atheists are dumb, or to rub my atheism in their faces--that would be dumb. I mention this is because, to me, in order for any religion to be viable, it has to be consistent with reason and science (at the time, I believed Mormonism did exactly this). Any religion which defies science rather than seeking reconciliation is unjustified, and, therefore, "dumb." I didn't know of any other religion which sought such reconciliation. Every protestant I grew up with vehemently opposed evolution and the big bang, so I couldn't take them seriously. Besides, speaking in tongues is just too silly. So, when asked which religion I would join, if not Mormonism, I was at a loss. They all seemed equally ridiculous to me. And since dis-belief is the default position, that is where I fell.
Because I hadn't really considered Atheism in depth, yet, I didn't think to ask my fellow students why they thought it was "dumb." I wouldn't miss such an opportunity now.

One of the most notorious (i.e. "popular") Evangelists is Ted Haggard. I don't want to dwell too much on him, but he has been on quite a rollercoaster the last few years by being on President Bush's speed-dial, condemning gays, being caught with a male prostitute, going to "therapy" and claiming to be "cured," admiting to be a "heterosexual with issues," admiting to be bi-sexual (baby steps), starting a new ministry, and somehow keeping his wife (a book deal may have helped). So, here are some of my favorite and most revealing Ted Haggard clips:
Richard Dawkins interview:
Haggard's response to the Richard Dawkins interview:
On sex:
After the sex-scandel:
And finally, I showed you all of that, so I could show you this:
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